How to Live on Minimum Wage: Weeks 6 & 7

Hey guys, I apologize because I have been traveling between Mississippi and Georgia quite a bit. I had to go to the French Consulate in Atlanta to get my French Visa. (eekkk that means that my study abroad adventure is getting closer!) In the way of my documenting my frugal living, all my numbers are quite screwed up. My parents fed me (a lot) when I was home and I haven't been able to work a full work week in two weeks! (Three if you include Fourth of July weekend).... So anyway all of this said, I will be back at full force for Week 8!

In other news, my sweet Lola has come to live with me! Lola is a mininature dachshund, but don't think she's miniature on personality! I'm sure I'll quite a few stories to tell about my time with her.



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