Study Abroad Upate #frenchmouse

Friends & Family,
It's almost been a month since I was accepted to study abroad. Each day I get more and more excited, but then I probably open my e-mails I realize how much there is to be done and put together! I learned that I needed an apostille (still not entirely sure what that is) and an official translation of my birth certificate. Like what the actual heck?!? I think the French government just wants to keep young Americans out of their country.
I have completed, paid for and sent in all my forms for Campus France. Campus France is the first step in the Visa process. It is just proof that you are a student and not coming to France to work or something like that. The hardest part was switching the PDF file of my acceptance letter into a JPEG format. I had so much trouble with it that I had to call a friend who is my on-hand computer geek. (This is the definition of #macyprobs-- technology hates me) Then I believe that money orders are only around still because of the French government. I spent my lunch break one day to stand in line and get a money order. I guess the French also hate technology.
I have received word from Campus France that they have received all my forms and money. Now I'm just waiting to for the approval from Campus France, which can take up to 3 weeks.
Now I'm looking for a place to live, which is kinda stressful. My French isn't as polished as it used to be and sometimes the landlords don't have great English so getting basic information is difficult. I have been talking with a few other people who have studied in Grenoble in the past to see what they did or what they wish they did.

I know that everything will come in order eventually, but until then I'm going to be a hot mess...

I received great news! Throughout the past few months, I applied for SO many different scholarships to help with the costs. I got word that I was granted a very large and generous scholarship from the Honors College at Mississippi State. I am so unbelievably happy and thankful! It just seems that little by little God's path is being revealed to me and I think the Lord for some reason desires me to be  France. I'm so excited and honored. There's honestly no words for my thanks.



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