How to Survive on Minimum Wage: Week 3

I think this was the first week that I established a schedule. I am a schedule kind of lady. Some people can live just fine without a daily or weekly schedule. However, I thrive on schedules. I think it is good to have some sort of routine so that when you have an 'off day' you can truly rest.

Monday: at 8 am I go to work until 5, then I come home contact some prospective students then do some reading or take a walk before going to bed.
Tuesday: work 8-5, then I clean a woman's house until about 8, I go home to eat, read and go to bed.
Wednesday: work 8-5, contact a few prospective students, then we have summer RUF, on Wednesdays a local favorite has a trivia and extended happy hour a few of us go to enjoy each other's company and celebrate humpday.
Thursday: same as Tuesday
Friday: work 8-5 then the weekend is mine! I like to do my grocery shopping on Fridays after work, I'm not sure why. It's definitely less crowded than Sundays after church. Fortunately, the Kroger is on my way home from work so I can pop in during the week if need be.

Hours: 43
Gross Paycheck: $311.75
Federal: $34.29
Fica: $22.60
State: $15.59
Net Paycheck: $239.27
Other Income: $50 (from cleaning at $10/hour)
Total Earnings: $289.27

Food: $56.72
Gas: $15.05
Entertainment: $6
Total Expense: $77.77

Weekly Cash Flow: $211.50
Cumulative: $666.07

I've been experimenting with cooking trying out different recipes. Stay tuned to see make I've made! I enjoy working with produce that I've found at our local farmer's market.



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