Two Months Disconnected

I'm two months into my journey. 62 days. 8 weeks. It all seems to go by so fast. This semester seems to go by so fast. I recently was on the treadmill (hold laughter) and just thinking 'wow it's already spring break, next thing I know it will be summer and who knows what I'll be doing.' ugh. slow down time. please? Then my next thought was 'why let others color how you see the world?'

Friends. The Romans knew what they were talking about when they penned Carpe Diem.

Wake up.
Smell the coffee.
Smile at everyone.
You don't need excuses to meet the person next to you.
Be the good in the world.

I understand that is easier said than done. To make the world around you kinder and softer. You must be kinder and softer. Words can be cruel. Pictures can be poison. Little voices telling you that you're not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, just not enough are nightmares. I understand that such simple tasks like getting dressed or walking into a new classroom can be daunting and horrifying stuff that just mays you want to stay in bed. Now let me tell you, the world is so wonderful and beautiful, if you let allow its glory to shine through all the terrible thoughts spinning through your mind.

Life is too short to be bogged down with the weight of comparisons. This is just another thing I've learned on this journey.



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