UNCHR's World Refugee Day-- June 20, 2015

Today is UNCHR's World Refugee Day. Annually, it is a day to think about all of those who have had to flee from their homes due to political or religious oppression, war, or other human rights abuses. These are not some fictional characters in a novel. These are not just images we see on late night news. These are real people. Real human beings. With hearts, brains, lungs, souls, pain, but most of all-- hope.

On the official UNCHR website (www.unhcr.org) to read stories about men, women and children who have made new lives as refugees.

Give Thanks to God that we, as Americans, live in a country where we are free of religious and political oppression. Pray that God may find a way for those under these horrible, inhumane conditions to escape. Pray that God may change the hearts of those causing such pain.

 These images were downloaded from www.unhcr.org


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