A Place I've Always Wanted to Visit: Pompeii

In high school I took two years of Latin. We did a lot of translating of old texts, memorizing how to form sentences, which endings create which part of the sentence. I honestly was not that good at the language part of Latin. I really don't know why I decided to take Latin since I was already in French. I was an overachiever in high school, I guess. The part of Latin that I did enjoy was learning about the Roman culture, history and mythology.

One of the first historical events we studied was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. While studying the disaster that is now known as Pompeii, we translated a few texts (or should  I say they  translated- I just interested and engaged so I didn't get called on). I loved the thought that a city was buried and lost in time. Not to mention, Pompeii is surrounded by beautiful scenery. I just imagine trekking in my Chacos along the cobblestones with all the other tourists but sneaking some alone time to find my alter ego Julia (that was my Latin name... ugh, yeah we had "names" in Latin class). I want to see the casts of dogs, women, children, men that were all caught in the ashes of Mount Vesuvius. Who knows, that could have been my dog?! haha, but in reality I plan to visit Pompeii this fall when I study abroad.

My younger sister is currently on a high school trip throughout Europe and studying famous pieces of art. She and her classmates recently hiked up Mount Vesuvius. I want to know what she thought of the hike. I do know that her pictures are gorgeous! Julia would be down for exploring the volcano that destroyed her city.



  1. I have been to Pompeii and Rome in my time traveling. I hope you make it there when you're studying abroad. Blog and post pics for us to live through you


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