The beginning of a wonderful friendship, Grenoble

I can't believe that I've already been here for a week! In that short period of time, I have learned, explored a lot already!

I boarded my plane in Atlanta so excited and pumped to start this new adventure, but I knew it wouldn't be without its highs and lows. I think the trip over was a low. Even though I was in a bulkhead seat, I was sitting next to a large Italian man who refused to take his fanny pack off so he could buckle his seatbelt. When he fell asleep or eat his pudgy arms would come into my area. I know I'm small but don't take advantage of that! Then in the aisle seat, there was a extremely tall black man who did not stop jamming the whole plane. He'd bop around and wave is hands in the air. you think I'm kidding. I did get to watch Cinderella, so that was a win for me.

It took about an hour to get my luggage and to walk trough the airport to get to the train station. When I finally got there, there were so many people I could feel myself having a panic attack. I found a bathroom to seek shelter in. I washed my face and reapplied my makeup, took a few (quite a few deep breaths). When I got out of the bathroom there were still quite a long line for tickets so I grabbed some coffee and something sweet since it had been about 3 hours since I had breakfast on the plane. Finally, I got in line to buy my ticket and thankfully everything went extremely smoothly. (whew)

As I was waiting to board my train, a man sat next to me and casually asked where I was headed. I told him Grenoble and he looked shocked... 'Me too!' We got to talking and I found out that he worked for an American engineering company that has recently partnered with a company in Grenoble and he was the lucky soul that got to travel at least once a quarter to Grenoble. He gave me a lot of tips about the city. He also gave me a lot of advice I hadn't heard yet about grad school and life after college. We went to the platform together, but his company set him up in first class while my student budget stuck me in coach. (Honestly it didn't matter because I was going to sleep through the whole trip anyway).

As we approached Grenoble, I noticed the sky was starting to darken and suddenly-- literally right as we pulled into the station-- the sky opened up. On the train I had googled with the wifi how to get to my flat but with the rain I was flustered and totally forgot the map I had memorized in my head. I ran back into the station to grab something to eat (notice a trend?) and try to pull up the map on the wifi but that station wifi was crap. I bit the bullet, I had to meet my landlord in 30 minutes so I caught a taxi and he took me right up to my flat.

Finally cozy and safe in my flat, I slept until about noon the next day.

The next day I went out to explore my new hometown....

... what I found was a quaint French city nestled in the French Alps. As you walk around the city, you can see the Alps peeking out between buildings old and new. All the people are extremely patient with my French. If I make a mistake, they just chuckle and politely correct me. One café owner sat with me for about 30 minutes and drilled me on the names of all the tram stations.

I can tell that this semester will be one a cherish forever and I am excited to see what all there is in store.

I can tell we will be life long friends.



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