What You Don't See

The Christmas season, while it should a time of joy, peace, and coziness, can be a time of extreme stress and comparing oneself to others, or feeling pressure from many different fronts to be a certain way.

Since moving to Sweden many people have remarked on how lucky I am to have this ability and experience to live and study in another country for an extended period of time. I am. I am so unbelievably lucky and blessed to have this opportunity to move to another country for an extended period of time. However many people also have expressed how my life has become one long vacation which is simply not true. The last thing I want people to do is to compare my life to theirs thinking that mine is just day after day of Swedish bliss. Life in Sweden has become the most rewarding thing I have ever done but it is also the toughest thing I have ever done. So I'm here to clarify some things that some may assume about my life as I way to say I have the same struggles as my American counterparts just in a different country.

What You See: Me pursuing my Master's Degree in Sweden
What You Don't See: Me pulling all-nighters during the 5 years of her bachelor degree to achieve the grades and test scores to study at such a school. Me continuing to study hard while stressing about my future and student loans.

What You See: Me traveling throughout Europe.
What You Don't See: Me working at a hotel on the weekends or babysitting whenever she can. Me not wasting any food or me eating bread and cheese for 65% of my meals. Me saying no to some social events because I would rather spend the money elsewhere.

What You See: Me with a ton of new friends.
What You Don't See: The moments of loneliness, missing friends at home or feeling like I am drifting away from old friends. The extreme awkwardness while making these new friends. Getting well outside my comfort zone to create these friendships. Me skyping with my dog just because I miss her.

What you see on most everyone's social media is just a highlight reel of their lives. It's the images they have purposefully chosen to share with the world. When the Internet gave us the ability to filter our lives we strangely were fooled that only good and wonderful things happen all the time. While in fact - many good and wonderful things happen in life but do not come without struggles and moments of exclusion.

Whatever stage you are in with your life is perfect. You are wonderful. My life path looks different than yours and yours different than mine. Both are great. Both are awesome. Our lives were laid out by one who does not make mistakes. Remember that when you scroll past the engagement announcement of some girl who lived in apartment building sophomore year. Easier said than done, but God has something awesome awaiting you in the new year sister. This I know is true.

your little mouse

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